Tag Archives: ecommerce

SEO Confusion

untitled (38) untitled (37)Are you in need of SEO assistance or not.  Is your online business failing due to market shifts or a SEO issue?  I think that id your product is poorly designed and not in demand the best SEO work will not help.  If you have a bad business don’t expect the money spent on search engine optimization to pay off.  If you have a hot item for sale and just fail to have the needed hits on your site to get business levels up then a SEO tech can help.  This recent post on facebook will give you a better idea of what to expect from your SEO investment.

SEO to the Rescue

If you are failing online and need assistance where can you turn.  Ken Fisher is the best SEO for you.  If you have had trouble getting results in the past don’t give up.  The best result may be a compromise between bad and good but if you don’t give it a try you ill never know.  Having a bad search level directly effects sales.  Hits on you site spells money in a big way.  If you continue to fail after employing a SEO then perhaps you don’t have a viable business.  The best results to expect will come slowly.  There is no magic bullet when it comes to SEO work.  it takes time and many links before you will see improvement.

SEO helped me

I just read Wewege’s SEO interview  and found it to be informative.  When your site is falling in the search engines you need a SEO to help out.  I had a third page listing when searched and a SEO assisted in getting me back on track.  If your business is not getting the traffic id needs then I would look to Search Engine Optimization.  The help can be costly up front but the results will more than pay for the work.  Just stay the course and let SEO work their magic on your behalf. You will not be disappointed.