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How To Improve Your Public Relations Firm’s SEO

Your public relations firm must work hard to make the most of SEO. SEO can help your clients improve their online presence, and SEO can be used in a variety of ways to benefit everyone involved. There are five tips below that explain how to use SEO to your advantage. If the SEO campaign for your PR firm is good, your clients will benefit.

1. Use Social Media Effectively

If a client is working with Nancy Behrman Communications, the social media for the PR agency should feature the client more than the agency. An agency gains customers and makes money if it has a good reputation, and you can build that reputation through social media.

When people search online, your social media feed will increase its ranking with every keyword-rich post. If someone searches for a PR firm, your firm’s social media posts might appear. Plus, those posts will include information about your clients. Both parties benefit when your social media posts are consistent, simple, and filled with quality hashtags.

2. Create Informative Content For Your Clients

You should create informative content for your clients. A PR firm can hire copywriters to create basic content that explains where their clients are going, any new projects that are coming up, and any charitable work the clients have done. You want to create diverse content that uses a variety of keywords, and you can publish this content all over the Internet.

Also, you can add these articles to your social media feeds. Anything that makes your clients look good will positively increase their online presence.

3. Ask Your Clients To Create Videos

You need to work with your clients to make the most of your SEO campaign. You might ask your clients to create videos that explain how their products, work, or they could record performances. When you bring that video back to your PR office, you can add a bit of text at the bottom along with hashtags.

Post the videos online to showcase what your clients can do. The hashtags will make it easier for people to find your clients, and any text you write in the video description should be keyword-rich. You are using every opportunity you can to add to the SEO campaign, and you are adding keywords or hashtags to the Internet that people will find during searches.

4. Create A Guide That Other Companies Will Link To

You can use something called the “skyscraper” method to build your company’s reputation. You can create a PR guide for any field or client, and you can ask reputable sites to link to your guide. The guide alone will link back to your website, and the guide will contain many keywords that people search for every day.

Also, you can ask your clients to create definitive guides for their industries. You can ask reputable sites like Nancy Behrman Communications to link to your guide, and people who find your PR website will see more information about your clients.

5. Check Global Trends Before Writing Content

You need to check global trends and trending hashtags when writing content. If one of your clients can benefit from a trending keyword, you should take advantage of it. You can use some keywords to write funny content for your clients on their social media pages, or you could write serious content that allows your clients to voice their concerns about what is going on around the world.

You are making your clients look good because they are taking an interest in world events, or you could get your client into a viral text exchange that the public will think is funny. When people search for celebrity text posts or use your client’s name, the positive posts will appear first because you have created so many of them.


You can improve the SEO your public relations firm uses if you are creating a variety of content. You can help your clients create videos that have a keyword-rich description, or you can use social media to add to your client’s online presence. Capitalize on any trending keywords that relate to your clients, and continue to create positive content so that the public only reads positive things about your clients