Category Archives: General

The Heart of Parenting: Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Highly Sensitive Children

As parents, we want the best for our children. We strive to provide a supportive environment to help them grow into happy and successful individuals. However, what happens when our child is highly sensitive? How do we nurture their emotional intelligence and support them in navigating this world that may seem overwhelming? Megghan Thompson Coaching industry expert, discusses the concept of emotional intelligence, its importance for highly sensitive children, and how we can nurture it as parents. Together, we can help our children thrive and embrace sensitivity as a gift.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing one’s and others’ emotions. This ability comprises self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills, vital in fostering healthy relationships, effective stress management, and responsible decision-making.

The impact of nurturing emotional intelligence in children is profound. By instilling this skill early on, children can more effectively navigate interpersonal dynamics, handle adversity with resilience, and enhance their emotional well-being. Moreover, fostering emotional intelligence empowers children to recognize and manage their feelings, promoting mental and social development.

Specifically, highly sensitive children exhibit a heightened receptiveness to their surroundings, experiencing emotions more intensely than their peers. Their acute awareness extends to subtle environmental cues, like sounds and scents, which can trigger strong emotional responses. This heightened sensitivity, while making them vulnerable to sensory overload, also equips them with a deep sense of empathy, intuition, and creativity.

Characteristics of Highly Sensitive Children 

Highly sensitive children, also known as HSCs, may frequently be misinterpreted as introverts due to their inclination towards introspection and contemplation. These children often exhibit deeper thoughtfulness and introspection, requiring additional time to navigate and process their emotions and sensory experiences. Consequently, their pace in social interactions may appear slower than that of their peers. However, it is important to distinguish their sensitivity from shyness or perceived emotional intensity, as these children possess a unique ability to perceive and absorb the world around them with heightened insight and depth.

However, highly sensitive children possess unique qualities that differentiate them from their peers. They exhibit deep empathy, intuitiveness, and compassion and are attuned to others’ needs. Moreover, they tend to be highly perceptive, noticing subtle environmental changes that others may overlook. These characteristics make them excellent listeners and communicators because they can understand others.

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Highly Sensitive Children 

As parents, it is crucial to delve deep into the unique needs of highly sensitive children and comprehend the nuances of nurturing their emotional intelligence. This journey commences with creating an exceptionally safe and profoundly supportive environment, fostering a space where they can freely articulate and adeptly navigate their emotions. By promoting a culture of open dialogue and active listening without judgment, these children can experience a profound sense of being truly comprehended and validated in their feelings.

Additionally, it is essential to emphasize the teaching of emotional vocabulary as a cornerstone in nurturing emotional intelligence among high school children. By encouraging students to identify and articulate their feelings accurately, they can effectively comprehend and regulate their emotions. This practice not only fosters self-awareness but also aids in recognizing the physiological responses and cognitive patterns linked to various emotional states.

Challenges Parents May Face

One of the major obstacles parents and caregivers face is recognizing and understanding these children’s unique needs. Due to their introverted nature and slower pace, these children may be perceived as difficult or problematic, leading to frustration and misunderstanding. Adults must offer patience, support, and a nurturing environment to help these children thrive emotionally and socially. Acknowledging and addressing these challenges with empathy and tailored approaches can empower these children to navigate their emotions effectively and build strong, healthy relationships.

Highly sensitive children face challenges in processing and managing their intense emotions and sensory experiences. This can manifest in meltdowns and emotional outbursts, which may overwhelm the child and the caregiver. Parents play a role in cultivating a patient and empathetic approach to support their children through these moments. By providing a safe and understanding environment, parents can help their children learn to navigate and regulate their feelings effectively, promoting emotional intelligence and resilience in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Nurturing the emotional intelligence of highly sensitive children is crucial for their overall well-being and development. This includes understanding and embracing their unique qualities, providing a safe and supportive environment, promoting emotional vocabulary and regulation skills, and addressing challenges with empathy and patience. Doing so can empower these children to thrive emotionally and socially, unlocking their full potential as compassionate, intuitive, and resilient individuals. As parents and caregivers, we are responsible for nurturing and supporting the emotional growth of these highly sensitive children, setting them up for success in all aspects of their lives.  

cloth bands

Cloth Bands: The Hottest New Fashion Trend Explained

Cloth Bands: What Are They and Why Are They Trending?

You’ve probably seen them popping up everywhere – those trendy cloth bands wrapped around wrists, heads, ankles, you name it. Everyone from celebrities to your coworkers seems to be rocking this hot new accessory. So what’s the deal with these fabric wraps taking over the fashion world? In this article, we’ll break down the origins of the cloth band trend, the different ways to style them, and why they’ve become so popular lately. Whether you’re ready to jump on the bandwagon or just want to understand the hype, you’ll learn all about the versatile cloth band and how to work it into your own personal style after reading this.

How to Style Cloth Bands for Different Outfits

Cloth bands are decorative fabric strips used to accessorize clothing and add visual interest. They come in different widths, colors, and patterns to suit various styles. Why are they popular?   Cloth bands  offer an easy way to make an outfit more stylish without a big investment. You can find cloth bands made of cotton, lace, leather, or patterned fabric that complement your personal style.

How do you wear them?

Cloth bands can be wrapped around the arms, legs, waist, or head. Some popular ways to wear them include: 

– As headbands to keep hair back in a stylish way. Wide cloth bands in solid colors or with minimal patterns work well for this.

– As belts to cinch in loose-fitting tops or dresses. Look for cloth bands in widths of 1 to 3 inches that match or coordinate with your outfit. 

-As bracelets by wrapping a cloth band around your wrist a couple of times and tying off the ends. Thinner cloth bands under 1 inch wide are good for this. 

-Around ponytails or buns to create a bohemian look. Patterned cloth bands with tassels or fringe are ideal for this hippie-chic style.

Why are they so versatile?

Cloth bands can transform the look of an outfit in so many ways because they come in a variety of fabrics, widths, and lengths.  You can find natural, breathable cotton cloth bands for summer and cozy wool or flannel ones for winter. With options ranging from minimal solids to vibrant prints, there’s a cloth band to suit any personal style or occasion. Their versatility and affordability are why cloth bands are becoming such a hot fashion trend.

Cloth Bands FAQ: Answering Common Questions About This Hot Accessory

Cloth bands are incredibly versatile and can be styled in so many ways. Here are some tips for incorporating them into your wardrobe:

Casual Looks

For a casual daytime outfit, pair a cloth headband with jeans and a t-shirt or blouse. A patterned or colorful band adds a pop of style without looking overdone. You can also tie a band around your wrist as a bracelet for a boho chic look.

Dressy Styles

Want to glam up for a night out? A jewel-toned cloth band looks stunning with a cocktail dress or jumpsuit. Wrap a band around your waist as a makeshift belt over a maxi dress or tunic for an accentuated silhouette. Or tie a band in your hair for an elegant updo.

Vintage Vibes

Cloth bands have a retro feel that’s perfect for a vintage-inspired ensemble. Tie a band around your head for a 1950s-esque scarf style. Or wrap a few bands around your wrists over a button-down blouse to channel Rosie the Riveter. Pair the look with high-waisted jeans or trousers and you’ll be ready to rock around the clock. 

As you can see, cloth bands offer so many styling possibilities. Whether for a casual daytime look or a dressy night out, these textured accessories can add a fun, vintage-inspired touch to any outfit. So get creative – you’ll be tying cloth bands onto everything in no time!

Soaking in Etiquette: The Unwritten Rules of Hot Springs Enjoyment

Arrive Clean and Hydrated for Hot Springs Etiquette

Have you ever soaked in a hot spring surrounded by nature and felt that rush of relaxation wash over you? There’s nothing quite like it.  As blissful as the experience can be though, there are a few etiquette rules to keep in mind so everyone can peacefully enjoy the springs. You may not even realize you’re breaking some unwritten hot spring rules. Before you head to the springs, soak in this advice so you can fully immerse yourself without worry. Keep reading and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a hot springs etiquette expert in no time. By following these simple tips, you’ll be soaking in relaxation and leaving the stress behind.

Be Mindful and Respectful of Shared Hot Springs Spaces

Arriving clean and hydrated is hot spring etiquette 101.  Before heading to the springs, take a shower to wash away any lotions, oils or fragrances you may have on your body. The natural minerals in the water can react with chemicals, irritating your skin or the experience of others.

Drink plenty of water before, during and after soaking. The heat causes fluid loss, so staying hydrated prevents discomfort, dizziness or nausea. Have a bottle of water with you for easy access. 

Follow the rules about what’s allowed in the pools. Most prohibit glass, alcohol, and swimwear – you’ll soak au naturel. Wrapping yourself in a towel or robe between pools is considerate. Keep an eye on any time limits to be respectful of others waiting. 

Find an appropriate pool for your needs. Hotter pools may not suit children, pregnant women or health conditions. Start in a cooler pool, allowing your body to adjust to the temperature before moving to hotter waters. 

Relax and recharge! The benefits of geothermal waters – easing pain, detoxing, improving circulation – happen when you’re calm and still. Keep noise to a minimum so others can do the same.

Enjoying the tranquility of natural hot springs means being mindful of other bathers. Following etiquette guidelines and being respectful of the space will ensure everyone has an enjoyable, therapeutic experience. Leaving the springs as you found them preserves these natural wonders for future visitors.  Your consideration will be greatly appreciated.

Follow Posted Rules and Be Considerate of Other Soakers

When enjoying the hot springs, be mindful that you’re sharing the space with others seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. 

•Keep noise to a minimum. Avoid loud talking, shouting or playing music. The sounds of nature are part of the experience. 

•Respect personal space. Don’t crowd other groups and give people their privacy. If the springs are busy, you may need to limit your time to allow others a turn.  

•Watch your belongings. Don’t leave valuables unattended where they could get lost or stolen. Most facilities provide lockers for storing items. 

•Limit public displays of affection. While the hot springs can be a romantic setting, excessive intimacy can make others uncomfortable in the shared space. 

•Don’t pollute the pools. Avoid wearing fragrances, lotions or sunscreens before entering the water. Their chemicals can damage the pH balance. Never urinate or spit in the pools. 

•Follow posted rules. Instructions for proper soaking attire, time limits or pool closures are there to ensure everyone’s enjoyment and the facilities’ upkeep. Disregarding them is disrespectful.

•Be courteous. Greet others, make eye contact, smile and engage in light, positive conversation. Your fellow soakers are there to relax too, so keep exchanges brief and avoid controversial topics. 

•Thank the staff. The people who maintain the hot springs work hard to keep the facilities clean, safe and accessible for your pleasure. Expressing gratitude for their efforts is always appreciated. 

Following basic etiquette guidelines helps create an ambiance where everyone can achieve the full benefits of the hot springs experience. Be mindful of how your actions might affect others, and enjoy this oasis of warmth and wellness.

The Powerful Benefits of Spiritual Energy Healing

What Is Spiritual Energy Healing?

Have you ever felt like there was something blocking you from living your best life? Some kind of negative energy holding you back from your true potential? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with the same thing. But there’s good news – spiritual energy healing can help clear away those blocks and negative energies. 

Spiritual energy healing has been used for centuries to restore balance and harmony to the body and mind. These alternative healing techniques are gentle, non-invasive, and work with your body’s own natural healing energies. Reiki, crystal healing, acupuncture, and chakra balancing are just a few examples. 

When your spiritual energies are flowing freely, amazing things start to happen. You feel lighter, happier, and more at peace. Your creativity and motivation get a boost. Your relationships and connections with others deepen. You gain a clearer understanding of your life’s direction and purpose.

The benefits of spiritual energy healing are very real and potentially life-changing. If you’re ready to dissolve energetic blocks, release negative patterns, and step into your power and potential, spiritual energy healing is for you. It’s time to start living the life you were meant to live.

The Proven Benefits of Spiritual Energy Healing

Spiritual energy healing is the practice of channeling healing energy to restore balance and flow in the body. Practitioners open themselves up as conduits for universal life force energy to flow through them to you.

How Does It Work?

Energy healing works on the belief that disruptions or blockages in your energy flow can manifest as physical, mental or emotional issues. By channeling energy, practitioners are able to break up blockages, balance your energy centers (chakras), and restore optimal flow so your body can heal itself.

Some of the most common energy healing modalities include:

–   Reiki: The practitioner places hands on or just above the body to facilitate the flow of energy from the universe.

–   Acupuncture: Insertion of thin needles into the body at specific points to influence the flow of energy.

–   Crystal healing: Crystals are placed on the body to absorb and transmit healing vibrations.

–   Qigong: A system focused on coordinated body postures and movements, breathing, and meditation.

What Are the Benefits?

When your energy is balanced and flowing freely, you experience greater health, clarity and vitality.  Energy healing can help:

– Reduce stress and induce deep relaxation.

– Decrease pain and speed healing. 

– Gain insight and release emotional blocks.

– Strengthen your connection to something greater than yourself.

While spiritual energy healing is considered an alternative practice, many people report life-changing results.  If you’re looking to experience greater peace, healing and connection in your life, energy healing could be for you.

How to Find a Qualified Spiritual Energy Healer

Spiritual energy healing has been shown to have some powerful benefits. Studies show it can help reduce stress and anxiety, ease pain, and promote an overall sense of wellbeing.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Energy healing works to balance your chakras and energy fields, which can help relax the mind and body.  Many people report feeling lighter and calmer after a session. The deep breathing and meditation involved also help decrease anxiety and worry. 

Relief from Pain

By unblocking energy flows and balancing energy centers in the body, energy healing can help relieve pain from injuries, illnesses, and chronic conditions.  The gentle, non-invasive nature of techniques like reiki, acupuncture, and healing touch make them a appealing alternative or complement to traditional pain management.

Improved Wellbeing

A balanced flow of energy in your body and mind leads to an increased sense of health and vitality.   Studies show energy healing may enhance quality of life and spiritual wellbeing.  With regular treatments, you may notice improved sleep, balanced emotions, and an overall brighter outlook. 

While energy healing is considered an alternative therapy, many people find great benefit from these natural, non-invasive treatments.  If you’re looking to reduce stress, ease pain, or simply feel better in your body and mind, spiritual energy healing could be worth exploring. With the guidance of a trained practitioner, you may be surprised at how much a few energy balancing sessions can help you thrive.

Your Pet’s Home Away From Home: Lakewood Veterinary Clinic in Dallas, TX

Lakewood Veterinary Clinic: Caring for Pets in Dallas, TX Since 2015

You know your furry friend deserves the very best. When it’s time for their annual checkup or if they’re feeling under the weather, you want to take them to a vet you can trust. Look no further than Lakewood Veterinary Clinic in Dallas, TX, a full-service veterinary hospital that will treat your pet like family. 

For over 15 years, Dr. Emily Johnson and her team of vets and vet techs have been providing compassionate, quality care to pets in Dallas and the surrounding areas. They offer everything from routine vaccinations and examinations to complex surgeries and emergency services. Their state-of-the-art facility has advanced medical equipment so your pet can get the most accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Best of all, the staff at Lakewood Veterinary Clinic understand that your pet is a member of the family. They will keep you informed and involved in the process every step of the way. You’ll feel confident knowing your fur baby is in good hands with the caring professionals at Lakewood Vet. Whether it’s for a routine checkup or an unexpected issue, Lakewood Veterinary Clinic is your pet’s home away from home.

Our Team of Compassionate Vets and Techs

Lakewood Veterinary Clinic opened its doors in 2015 to provide compassionate care for the furry family members of Dallas pet owners.

Whether your faithful companion is a dog, cat, bird or pocket pet,  the vets and techs at Lakewood Veterinary Clinic aim to keep them happy and healthy at every stage of life. Their services run the gamut from routine wellness exams and vaccinations to surgeries, dental care, and emergency services. 

Lakewood Veterinary Clinic utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatment options to provide the best care for your pet. Digital x-rays, ultrasound, and blood testing onsite mean quick results and less stress for your pet. The clinic offers grooming, boarding, and daycare services, ensuring your pet’s needs are met when you’re away.  

The staff at Lakewood Veterinary Clinic understands how important the human-animal bond is. They strive to offer compassionate, personalized care for you and your furry family member. Open six days a week, they work hard to accommodate busy schedules and provide same-day appointments for sick pets. Whether you have questions about your pet’s eating habits or need emergency care in the middle of the night, the dedicated vets and staff are there when you need them.

For the past six years, Lakewood Veterinary Clinic has provided high-quality, caring veterinary services to keep the pets of Dallas happy and healthy. Call today to schedule your pet’s first appointment!

Full-Service Care Tailored to Your Pet’s Needs

At Lakewood Veterinary Clinic, we have an amazing team of vets, techs, and staff to care for your furry family members. Our veterinarians are highly skilled and have decades of combined experience treating all types of pets. Just as importantly, they are kind, compassionate, and gentle – your pet’s comfort and well-being are top priorities. 

Our Techs and Staff

Our vet techs and clinic staff assist the vets and help keep things running smoothly. They are all certified animal lovers who treat each pet with the utmost care, affection, and respect. You can rest assured your pet will be in good hands from the moment you walk through our doors. 

We know how stressful vet visits can be, so our team does everything possible to put you and your pet at ease. We take time to listen, answer questions, and make sure you understand your pet’s condition and treatment plan. Your pet’s health and happiness are deeply important to us. 

At Lakewood Vet, you’re not just another client – you’re family. We build lifelong relationships with our pet owners and patients, and consider it a privilege to care for your furry family members from puppy or kittenhood through their senior years. Our compassionate, skilled team is here for you anytime you need us. After all, your pet’s health and well-being are our top priority.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Kratom Powder Drink Mix

What Is Kratom Powder Drink Mix?

Ever heard of kratom? It’s the latest trend taking the health and wellness world by storm. Turns out, this little-known plant from Southeast Asia offers some pretty impressive benefits. You’ve probably seen kratom popping up at your local health food store or in your social media feeds. Don’t write it off as just another fad. Kratom powder drink mix provides an easy way to tap into the natural benefits of this ancient plant.

Before you dismiss it as another overhyped superfood, you should know that kratom has been used for centuries in traditional Southeast Asian medicine. Kratom leaves contain compounds that act on the same brain receptors as opioids to relieve pain and boost mood and energy levels. A refreshing kratom drink could be just what you need to start your morning or unwind in the evening. The best part is you get all the benefits of kratom in a delicious, all-natural beverage. It’s the perfect pick-me-up to fight fatigue, ease anxiety and promote an overall sense of well-being.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kratom Powder Drink Mix

Kratom powder drink mix comes from the dried, crushed leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, native to Southeast Asia. This herbal supplement has become popular for its potential health benefits and mood-enhancing effects. 

The active compounds in kratom, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, interact with opioid receptors in the brain that influence mood and stress levels. At low doses, kratom acts as a stimulant, increasing energy, alertness, and sociability. Moderate doses have a more sedative effect, producing feelings of euphoria and calm.

– Improved mood. Kratom may help ease symptoms of depression and anxiety and promote feelings of optimism and well-being. 

– Increased focus and motivation. The stimulating effects of kratom can increase mental acuity, making you feel more motivated and productive. 

– Relief from pain. Kratom works on the same brain receptors as opioids, helping to reduce pain sensitivity and ease chronic pain.   

– Better sleep. Higher doses of kratom have a sedative effect, which can help relax the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep.

Kratom powder drink mix provides an easy way to reap the benefits of this herbal remedy. Just mix a scoop of powder with water or your favorite beverage and enjoy its many potential health and wellness perks. However, kratom may cause dependence and side effects, so check with your doctor before using.

How to Prepare a Kratom Powder Drink Mix

When it comes to kratom powder drink mixes, the health benefits are surprising and plentiful. Here are the top 5:

Improved Energy and Focus

Kratom powder contains compounds called alkaloids that can provide an energizing effect. A low dose of just a few grams of kratom powder in your drink mix may be enough to boost your energy levels and help increase your concentration and focus. Many people find kratom powder helps them stay productive during long workdays. 

Better Mood and Reduced Stress

Kratom powder may help elevate your mood and ease anxiety due to the effect of alkaloids on opioid receptors in the brain.  Adding a few grams of kratom powder to your daily drink mix could help you feel more optimistic and less worried, reducing symptoms of depression and PTSD.

Relief from Pain

Kratom powder acts on the opioid receptors in the brain that help regulate pain signals. For chronic pain sufferers, kratom powder drink mixes may provide an alternative to prescription painkillers. Start with a low dose of 1-2 grams and increase slowly to find the amount that gives you relief without side effects.

Improved Sleep 

Kratom powder drink mixes, especially those with red vein kratom strains, may promote feelings of calm and relaxation that lead to improved sleep. The sedative effects of kratom powder can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly through the night.  A dose of 3-5 grams in your evening drink should do the trick. 

 – Better Digestion: Kratom powder has compounds that can improve gut health and ease symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Adding kratom powder to your daily probiotic drink may enhance digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Transform Your Life: The Power of Adult DBT in Woodbury

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

You feel stuck. Life has thrown you some curveballs recently and you’re having trouble coping. Your emotions feel out of control and relationships are suffering. The little things that never used to bother you now feel completely overwhelming. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many adults struggle with emotional regulation and interpersonal skills, but the good news is there’s help. Dialectical Behavior Therapy or DBT, a skills-based treatment focused on changing unhelpful behavior patterns, is now available in Woodbury. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, or just want to improve your quality of life, adult DBT in Woodbury can help you transform your life by learning practical strategies to better manage emotions and strengthen relationships. The Woodbury DBT Center provides comprehensive DBT skills training for adults looking to build a life worth living. Read on to learn how DBT can help you gain awareness and make positive changes. The power to live fully and freely is within your reach.

The Benefits of DBT

Dialectical Behavior Therapy or DBT combines cognitive and behavioral strategies to help you better manage emotions and reduce stress. The core idea behind DBT is that our emotions and thoughts influence our behaviors. By learning skills to regulate emotions and thoughts, we can make better choices in how we act and react.

In DBT, you’ll learn four key skill sets:

1. Mindfulness – Learning to be fully present in the current moment through meditation and breathing exercises. This helps reduce anxiety and distressing thoughts. 

2. Distress Tolerance – Developing coping strategies to better handle stressful situations and strong emotions without making them worse. Things like relaxation techniques, distraction, and self-soothing.

3. Emotion Regulation – Identifying emotions and their triggers, then learning how to change unhealthy emotional reactions. This includes learning how to reduce vulnerability to intense emotions. 

4. Interpersonal Effectiveness – Improving relationships through better communication and boundary-setting. Learning how to say no, ask for what you need, and resolve conflicts in a constructive way.

DBT typically involves both group therapy sessions and individual therapy.  The skills and strategies you learn can help reduce symptoms of various disorders like depression, PTSD, eating disorders, substance abuse issues, and borderline personality disorder. The benefits of DBT are real and long-lasting. If you’re struggling with difficult life events, trauma, or mental health issues, DBT may be able to help you transform your life for the better.

Finding the Right DBT Therapist in Woodbury

DBT, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy, offers life-changing benefits for adults struggling with emotional regulation and interpersonal skills. 

Better coping strategies. 

 DBT teaches you how to better manage stressful situations and navigate challenging relationships. You’ll learn techniques like mindfulness, distress tolerance, and emotion regulation. These skills help you stay calm and think clearly in the face of difficulties. 

Healthier relationships.  

With DBT, you can build self-confidence and strengthen connections with others. You’ll discover how to communicate in a constructive way, set boundaries, and ask for what you need. DBT also helps identify relationship patterns that no longer serve you and gives you the tools to establish healthier dynamics.  

Increased well-being.  

DBT aims to help you create a life worth living. As you progress through the modules, you’ll gain awareness and acceptance of yourself. You’ll learn to prioritize self-care, balance your emotions, and find meaning and fulfillment each day. Many DBT participants report lower symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduced suicidal thoughts, and an overall improved quality of life. 

–   If you’re struggling with troubling emotions, chaotic relationships, or a lack of purpose, DBT may be for you. This evidence-based therapy can teach you the skills to transform your life in a compassionate, non-judgemental environment. Why not take the first step and see how DBT in Woodbury can help you reach your full potential? A happier, healthier you is waiting on the other side.

How to Care for Your Custom Wig: Keeping Human Hair Looking Natural

Storing Your Custom Wig Properly

You finally splurged on that custom human hair wig you’ve been dreaming about for years. After forking over a small fortune for your new crowning glory, the last thing you want is for your investment to frizz out, tangle up, or look anything less than natural. Caring for a custom wig requires some TLC to keep it looking as lustrous and lifelike as the day you brought it home. With the proper maintenance routine tailored to your wig’s specific hair type, you’ll have strangers complimenting your ‘new hairstyle’ for years to come. Keep reading to learn the essential dos and don’ts for maximizing the longevity and natural beauty of your custom human hair wig. Your wig will thank you, and your wallet will too.

Washing and Conditioning Tips for Human Hair Wigs

Storing your custom wig properly is key to keeping it looking natural and preventing damage. 

First, invest in a sturdy wig stand. A stand allows air flow so your wig can retain its shape. Never store a wig in its original packaging. 

Keep your wig away from extreme heat or cold. The ideal temperature range is 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat can cause the fibers to frizz and degrade faster. Cold can cause the cap and fibers to become brittle. 

Avoid washing your wig before storing it for an extended period of time. The natural oils in human hair help prevent dryness. Spot-clean any dirt or stains and air the wig out before storing.

Store your wig in a space away from harsh lighting like UV rays. Continuous light exposure fades the hair and can alter the color. Place it in a closet or drawer. 

When storing for longer periods, inspect your wig regularly. Gently comb through the fibers to prevent matting and tangling. Check for any damage or pests like moths and treat immediately. 

By properly storing your custom human hair wig, you’ll keep it looking and feeling fresh, natural, and ready to wear at a moment’s notice. With some basic care and maintenance, your investment will last for years to come. Following these simple steps is well worth the effort to maintain your wig’s quality, style, and comfort.

Styling and Maintaining the Look of Your Custom Wig

To keep your custom human hair wig looking as natural as possible, proper washing and conditioning is key. 


– Use a mild shampoo and lukewarm water. Gently massage the shampoo into the hair and scalp, then rinse thoroughly with water. Avoid harsh shampoos, as these can strip the hair and cause frizz. 

– Shampoo your wig at least once a week or every 3-4 wears. For daily wear, shampoo 2-3 times a week.  Not washing frequently enough can lead to oil and dirt buildup, making the hair look dull and matted.


– Apply a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer, especially after shampooing. Work it through damp hair from roots to ends. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse or blot away excess with a towel. 

– Conditioning helps hydrate the hair, reduces flyaways and static, and leaves hair soft and manageable. For curly or wavy hair, conditioning is essential to tame frizz and define curls. 


– Gently blot or pat your wig dry with a towel – do not rub vigorously. 

– Allow your wig to air dry away from direct heat which can cause damage. If in a hurry, you can speed up air drying with a blow dryer on a low, cool setting while scrunching with your hands.

– Once dry, you may need to restyle your wig with a round brush and heat protectant product.

By properly washing, conditioning and drying your human hair wig, you’ll keep the hair fibers hydrated, frizz-free and looking natural for a long, long time. With some TLC, your custom wig can last 6-12 months before needing replacement.